Laszlo Nadler
No one understands the power of tapping into independent experts better than Laszlo. Laszlo left the traditional project management path to build Tools4Wisdom, a productivity planner business.
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Chapter 6
Featured quote from Chapter 6, Why Tapping Into the Human Cloud Is The New Corner Office
Let’s be hyper clear. Laszlo didn’t wake up a human cloud magician. He woke up needing to scale and, just like fellow changemakers, couldn’t afford fancy consultants or a large headcount. This scale dilemma isn’t special to Laszlo – we all want to maximize our time and scale our efforts with the valuable time we do have. In fact, I’m sure as you read this you’re questioning whether it’s worth it (that’s a good thing!). But what is special about Laszlo is that instead of the white flag, he experimented with the human cloud to alleviate his scale constraint. It wasn’t an overnight success story or a ‘push button, get scale’ solution. As he told us, “It’s a constant learning experience. I try something. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. For example, as we speak, I’m struggling to outsource my digital marketing. But the human cloud beats the alternative – do nothing – and myself and my business wouldn’t be where we are without it.”
While Laszlo’s persistence is unique, his strategy isn’t. As Elaine Pofeldt puts it, “Rather than adopt Henry Ford-era business models, in which scaling up depends on hiring legions of employees, these entrepreneurs choose to travel light. When they need to expand their individual capabilities, they often deliberately turn to contractors or firms that handle billing and other outsourceable functions.”
Changemakers rejoice. We don’t need 24 hours in a day. We just need a little Lisa. A little Laszlo. Combine these two, and we have the changemaker, which is now YOU!